3D Web Content


3D Scanner
Browser Plugin
Web Integration
Application Partners
3D Gallery
Do It Yourself

ETH World
3D Scanner
Point-Based Graphics
Cyfex AG
Flow Vis

© RP, 2004
Last Update: 16-Dec-2005

SurfelViewer - Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Is there a plugin available for Macintosh browsers?
A: There is currently no plan to develop a Macintosh plugin.

Installation & Removal


Q: How can I update the plugin software?
A: The Internet Explorer plugin automatically installs the newest version as required. The Mozilla-based plugin has to be upgraded using the installation page.

Q: How can I remove the Internet Explorer plugin?
A: The plugin can be uninstalled in the subfolder Downloaded Program Files of the Windows directory.

Q: How can I remove the Mozilla plugin?
A: Since there is no removal procedure available for Mozilla-based plugins, the SurfelViewer.dll has to be deleted manually from the corresponding Plugins folder.


Q: How can I update the plugin software?
A: The Mozilla-based plugin has to be using the upgraded using the installation page.

Q: How can I remove the plugin?
A: The plugin user directory is normally located at ~/.mozilla/plugins. There you can delete the npSurfelViewer.so and the SurfelViewer.xpt files.

Web Integration

Q: I have enriched my web page with a SurfelViewer object. The model is downloaded but the message Bad or corrupt data while decompressing file is displayed. What is wrong?
A: Be sure that the MIME-types for SurfelViewer files (svf, sfl, gz) are correctly setup on your web server. In most cases models are sent in text/plain instead of application/octet-stream mode.

Web Browser

Q: Is there a browser plugin available for Netscape 4.x?
A: No, there are no plans to support older Netscape versions.

Q: Is there a browser plugin available for Opera?
A: No, Opera browsers are currently not supported.


Q: I have installed a Mozilla-based plugin. Why is the download speed much slower than for the Internet Explorer plugin?
A: This is a known bug in the Mozilla plugin SDK.


Q: Why is the rendering speed slow, although I have a very good graphic card installed?
A: If you type glxinfo in a terminal you can see whether the driver is installed correctly. If Mesa GLX Indirect appears only a software renderer is used. Please refer to the corresponding home page of your graphic card how to install the Linux driver properly.

last modified: 2005-12-08