Particle Fire ------------- Semesterproject for 'Physicaly-based Simulation in Computer Graphics' in Summer term 2005. Peter Hess - Marco Zietzling - ------------------------- Instructions for starting: particle_fire.exe [num_of_generators] [num_of_particles] For displaying one, two or three burning spheres, with the specified number of particles. Chose the parameters so that: 1 <= num_of_generators <= 3; num_of_particles >= 300 Recommended parameter values for a modern computer (3GHz): num_of_generators 1, num_of_particles 400 num_of_generators 2, num_of_particles 600 num_of_generators 3, num_of_particles 600 If no parameter is specified, it will display one burning sphere with 400 particles. ------------------------- Instructions for moving one sphere: cursor left - move the sphere to the left cursor right - move the sphere to the right cursor up - move the sphere to the back cursor down - move the sphere to the front PageUp - move the sphere up PageDown - move the sphere down It is only possible to move on sphere, no matter how many are displayed.