Project for the course physically-based simulation ETH Zürich WS 06/07 Project Mercury by: Rolf Weilenmann Lars Krapf Florian Hotz The aim was to develop a simulation for a mercury like substanze. (a sphere which has that viscosity). The realisation was achieved by a mass-spring system (which may not be the best model for that). Further there is collision detection, a particle system (only for lightning), bump mapping texture, a skybox and enviroment mapping (is disabled). The controlls are: w,s,a,d the usual control of the camara r,f move camera up/down t,g move sphere up/down (ext. force, even if it's not realistic) l add manual lightning 1,2,3 the sphere rendering mode 8 toggle gfx mode from std. to simple 9,0 reconstitute, reset sphere arrow keys nick plane mouse view space&mouse move feel free to use this code for educational reasons...