filename : Kim15a.pdf entry : inproceedings conference : IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Québec City, Canada, 27-30 September, 2015 pages : 1155-1159 year : 2015 month : September title : Online View Sampling for Estimating Depth from Light Fields subtitle : author : Changil Kim, Kartic Subr, Kenny Mitchell, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung, Markus Gross booktitle : Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : IEEE : volume : issue : language : English keywords : light fields, depth estimation, view sampling abstract : Geometric information such as depth obtained from light fields finds more applications recently. Where and how to sample images to populate a light field is an important problem to maximize the usability of information gathered for depth reconstruction. We propose a simple analysis model for view sampling and an adaptive, online sampling algorithm tailored to light field depth reconstruction. Our model is based on the trade-off between visibility and depth resolvability for varying sampling locations, and seeks the optimal locations that best balance the two conflicting criteria.