Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Informatik I D-MAVT - FS12 - Schedule


Topic Lecturer
Feb. 23Introduction to Programming / UnixM. Grossnone
Mar. 1Data Types and VariablesM. GrossEx 0: Unix introduction
Mar. 8Branching Statements and Logical OperatorsM. GrossEx 1: Data Types and Variables
Mar. 15Arrays and Structs / MiniProjectM. GrossEx 2: Branching and Logical Operators
Mar. 22Control FlowM. GrossEx 3: Arrays, Strings, Structs
Mar. 29Pointers IM. GrossEx 4: Control Flow
Apr. 5Pointers IIM. GrossEx 5: Pointers I
Apr. 12nonenone
Apr. 19FunctionsM. GrossEx 6: Pointers II
Apr. 26ClassesM. GrossEx 7: Functions / FileIO
May 3Data Structures - Lists, HashingM. GrossEx 8: Classes
May 10Data Structures - TreesM. GrossEx 9: Queues
May 17noneEx 10: Trees
May 24SortingM. GrossEx 11: Sorting
May 31Miniproject AwardsM. Grossnone

Mini Project

Presentation: March 15, 2012, during the lecture
Submission: Until May 21, 2012
Awards: May 31, 2012